Urban Governance


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“Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted”

A. Einstein



CEPIST – Council of European Professional Informatics Societies 

It ‘a representative body of national associations of information technology throughout the wider Europe. The main objective ‘is to promote the development of professionalism in the ICT  field in Europe.

AICA – Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico

It ‘a non-profit association formed with the aim of promoting the development of IT skills in all its scientific, applications, economic and social.

ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs)

It ‘an international federation of the main Living Lab operating in Europe and in the World

EUCIP (European Certification of Informatics Professionals)

It ‘a European platform that networks services and certifications in the professional IT world, organizing training for ICT professional  in support of governance and management of ICT processes


FORUM PA promotes meetings and debates among public administrations, businesses and citizens on the issues of innovation through the creation of community, research studies, communication media, events, meetings and training courses.

Varonis data Governance

The suite “Varonis date Governance” has several tools for organization management and protection of data, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, multimedia files, both structured and unstructured.

AANDC – Role of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada 

The portal provides a set of practical tools available to organize processes of internal governance. It is in most cases a useful guides for the development of tools and methods of assessment in the management of governance processes.

