| Overview | Climate Change | Energy | Smart City | Sustainable Mobility | Urban Governance | General Tools |
“The mobility system to be sustainable must meet the needs of society to move freely, gain access, communicate, trade and establish relationships without sacrificing other essential human and ecological requirements now or in the future”
World Business Council for Sustainable Development

The Omegacentre is a center for the study and development of mega transport projects based at the Bartlett School of Planning, University of London; it is one of the first eight centers in the world, and is currently the only one of its kind in Europe.

The website managed by the Department of Transportation and the Department of Railways and Infrastructure public of Virginia is a model of success in monitoring and fast communicating the progress of the construction of large and important infrastructure whose impact on lifestyle and habits of citizens is inevitable, even in the construction phase. The homepage opens with a great interactive map that lists all the infrastructure work underway in northern Virginia.

T & E is an independent European association with scientific and educational purposes; the main goal of the association is to promote strategies for transport and accessibility based on the principles of sustainable development. The main areas of interest of T & E are: the spread of vehicles with a low environmental impact, the reduction of noise pollution, the use of environmentally friendly fuels, the road charging system for trucks, the air and maritime transportation systems.

ITDP – Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) collaborate with cities around the world for centralized transport solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the quality of urban life. In particular, the Institute studies the following issues: Public Transport, Cycling and walking, Sustainable Urban Development.

The cycling Resource Centre is an Australian center of information about cycling. The center’s website is administered by the Australian Bicycle Council (ABC), composed of government representatives, local and territorial aothorities, representatives of business world and the regular bicycle users; it is responsible for coordinating and implementing the Australian National Cycling Strategy 2011- 2016 (NCS) and updating the Department of Transport Australian.

Osservatorio città sostenibili
Sustainable Cities Observatory is a network of interdepartmental research on issues of governance and governance of urban and territorial systems, with particular reference to the topics of mobility and transport, the protection of environmental resources and the landscape.

ISFORT – L’Istituto Superiore di Formazione e Ricerca per i Trasporti
Isfort – Institute for Training and Research for Transport – aims to promote the development of the know-how in socio-economic and technical management of the transport sector, through research, consultancy, technical assistance and training activities. The institute invests specifically in research, with the goal of reading and interpreting the most relevant phenomena and trends, identifying critical issues and designing operational tools and models of behavior appropriate to address them.

Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
The Official website of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The link leads directly to the regulations section that stores the main regulations concerning the transport sector.

Thessaloniki’s intelligent urban mobility management system
It ‘a sustainable mobility project created in order to move more easily around the city, avoiding congested areas, increase the environmental awareness of citizens and promote public transport; At the same time, through the intelligent management of traffic in the center of Thessaloniki, the adopted system aims to reduce the negative impact of the gaseous pollutants.

European Commission – Mobility and Transport
Official website of the European community useful to find updated information on regulations, agreements, initiatives, job offers etc. within the transport sector.

It is a platform financed with European funds and designed with the objective of allowing cities to share experiences and best practices for the development and implementation of strategies, policies and measures in the field of sustainable mobility.

Created more than 10 years ago, Eltis is now Europe’s main observatory on urban mobility. The purpose of this portal is to facilitate the exchange of information, knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility in Europe. It is mainly addressed to people working in the transport sector and in related disciplines, including the urban and regional development, health, energy and environmental sciences.

EPOMM is an international non-profit organization based in Brussels; it is the leading European platform on mobility management, through a network of governments in European countries that are engaged in Mobility Management. It contain two interesting tools: TEMS – which provides data modal split of more than 350 cities and MaxEva, an assessment tool for standard projects of MM.

TransCAD è un sistema di informazione geografica (GIS) progettato specificamente per il settore dei trasporti. TransCAD combina funzionalità GIS e di modellazione del trasporto in un’unica piattaforma integrata, e può essere utilizzato per tutte le modalità di trasporto, a qualsiasi scala o livello di dettaglio.TransCAD is a geographic information system (GIS) designed specifically for the transport sector. TransCAD combines GIS and modeling of the transport in a single integrated platform, and can be used for all modes of transportation, at any scale or level of detail.

The website includes several software for the management and planning of transport systems.
