
Housing program of the SanPaolo Foundation – STAR Territorial Support to Research Activities. As part of the Housing Programme of the San Paolo Foundation has been presented a proposal project for the construction of a social housing model, through the study of application cases. So to be able to pursue the business convenience and to highlighting the features of the territorial context in which takes her place. The target is to fill the gap in the offer of social housing between the regions of northern, south and center of Italy.
The LIFE project for “Adaptation and Resilience of Urban Systems to Climate Change – RUSH”. As part of the European LIFE program for Environment and Climate Action. It was presented the project proposal “RUSH” finalized to development of plan for adaptation to climate change at a local level. The project will want to use the innovative technologies to development the forecasting models to evaluate the impacts of climate change. Also it will select a set of urban indicators to evaluating vulnerability to the flooding phenomena.
The project “DSS to determine and prioritize the appropriate EE operations and to evaluate the required investments on an urban scale”. As part of the University Research Action promoted to the E.I.B.. The project proposal wants to development of a tool to support public decision makers, with the analysis of the urban system characteristics. It will be capable to identify the best energy efficiency measures and will allow to the E.I.B. of define the prioritizes the investments necessary to implement these measures in according with the social and economic impacts.
The LIFE project “An Expert System for Energy Efficiency improvement of cities – EX.ERGY”. As part of the European LIFE program for Environment and Climate Action. It was presented the project proposal EX.ERGY provides the experimental application of the expert system developed in the project PON and its the integration with the other sectors, such as, for example, the water or waste management. In order to promote the development of integrated strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in urban areas.